Sauromalus ater
IUCN red list status:
Least Concern
For more informations, please visit iucnredlist.org

The Chuckwalla lives in Western United States and Northern-western Mexico.

They are herbivorous.

Females lay 5-16 eggs per clutch, incubation period is 35 days. Young are fully independent once hatched.

Chuckwallas live up to 25 years.
About the Chuckwalla
The Chuckwalla is native to in the South West of the United States and Northern Mexico. It has a dark colouration and small, fine scales with a thick tail that runs down to a point.
Their diet is herbivorous, eating a varied mix of vegetables and seeds. They are only territorial around breeding time. When the Chuckwalla wants to assert dominance, they modify their torso colour slightly, open their mouth and bob up and down.
Did you know?
When threatened, Chuckwallas gulp air and inflate their body to wedge themselves in to tight crevices.